Last updated on July 1st, 2024 at 05:08 pm
Case 113005: Near midnight of the New Year, Jordan and three other witnesses sighted a yellow-orange, “sphere” about 60° above the horizon in Beavertown, Pennsylvania. Beavertown is located in Pennsylvania’s Appalachian Mountains. The sighting lasted for about two minutes while the object blinked, pulsated and glowed. There were no sounds or emissions.
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That is not a sphere in the photo.
Night time exposures take longer particularly with tiny lenses so with bad photography or bad equipment even stationary objects can have tails.
Good story but the photo is no kind of evidence I am afraid.
My lady and I was traveling in Arkansas one night around December 20th and seen almost the exact thing your description is identical
Where is the sphere because that long orange hockey stick object in the picture is definitely not close to a sphere.
It’s called a time exposure –
This past summer I went outside just to look at the stars as I do sometime and I looked down my street and I saw something that looked like the sun but like an eclipse was happening at the same time. I was confused at what I was seeing because I kept looking up to see the moon to my left and down the street to my right. After a few minutes the eclipse like object disappeared. I didn’t get pics cause I was shocked. I thought that it was just the sun setting but I realized that this was happening about 11 or 12 at night. I googled toe a se
This shape was seen over Oahu back on December 29th 20. It was blue
There has been an epidemic of these “Mars-like” orange spheres the last few months. Most of the ones I see in Oklahoma start off looking like Mars moving quickly through the sky, then suddenly change into a plane type shape that features flashing lights all of a sudden, then eventually fades out & disappears. Sometimes they will poop out a tiny version of themselves that will follow along with the object or sometimes stay behind, almost unnoticeable till later on when their lights start to flash brighter & brighter. I have seen them multiply from one object, up to around 30-40 at a time!!
The small ones seem like scouts? I believe there are many. I saw a gold orb about the size of basketball.
I have been seeing the same exact object almost daily here in Pa.i see it so often that I’ve come to realize it is always close to a lake.I think they either land in them or use the water for fuel.I took pics the one early morning of 3 smaller ones coming out the back of the big plane looking object.It was just on the other side of a small lake and I could see it in my phone as I took pics.Went to show them to my helper at work and there was no plane or ufo in them.I couldn’t believe it.I do have a bunch of pics though.Most are to bright to see the object but I have a few good ones.Crazy as it may sound they appear to follow me.And I wake up every 3-4 weeks to have had the hair on my wrist and hand completely shaved off.I know it sounds crazy but it’s 100% true and been happening for 30+ years
That’s some crazy technology Joey. Safe to say not ours.
I’ve witnessed silvery spherical ord with orange red and yellow fiery swirl in the center of the orbs. We were watching planes at Lambert International Airport when two orbs came down over a runway flying low to, moving down the runway before they shot upward at incredible speed. It was in the 1980s.
Around 2013 I saw a single orb zigzagging behind an unusual pyramid shaped on to and the bottom UFO craft. It was huge and silent as it moved. Another orb orbited the craft around where the two pyramids joined. I was stunned. Evidently it was in an unseen mode because there were no military aircraft chasing it.
I wonder what the conversation was when controllers saw the orbs at Lambert International Airport. AND…if they didn’t see them or pick them up on radar that’s a serious breech of security and safety. Thanks for shareing.
my daughter & i have captured several of these & objects from 2-20-21 to 2-23-21 posted on her u-tube channel Revenge of the Angels & Rving keep it rolling channel for anyone interested.
I saw a light yellow orb, back about 3 years ago while standing in my backyard. It was silently hovering about 8’-10’ above the ground, over my yard & made no sound whatsoever. It would occasionally change to a reddish/orange hue but then back to yellow & stayed mostly yellow. About the same size as a softball.
At the time, for certain reasons, I assumed it to be a a govt. drone of done sort. But I now realize that it couldn’t have been that.
Nonetheless, it was really cool to witness. Although, at the time, it kinda freaked me out. But only because I was assuming it to be manmade.
I saw a orange orb pass over our roofline comming from the west Pacific ocean. Was about 60 feet above our roofline..turned right and continued on silently. Second one in a year. Wasn’t drones or flares or comets or Chinese lanterns. Very weird. I see them a lot.