Introducing the MUFON Legacy Fund

in Honor of Kathy Schuessler

The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) is proud to announce the launch of the MUFON Legacy Fund in honor of Kathy Schuessler, the beloved wife of MUFON co-founder John Schuessler.  Kathy’s unwavering support and dedication to the mission of MUFON has been instrumental in the organization’s success and growth over the years. This special fund is a tribute to her enduring legacy and contributions to the field of UFO research.

How You Can Contribute
The MUFON Legacy Fund provides a meaningful way for members, friends, and supporters to leave a lasting impact on the organization through various forms of giving.  The easiest way to contribute to this fund is via the button below.
There are several other ways you can contribute to this fund:

1. Bequest in Your Will: Include MUFON in your will by specifying a dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or particular assets you wish to donate. Adding a codicil to your current will is a simple way to make this provision.
A codicil is a legal document that allows you to make changes or additions to your existing will without having to rewrite the entire document. When it comes to donating to the MUFON Legacy Fund, a codicil can be used to specify your charitable intentions. By adding a codicil, you can easily include MUFON as a beneficiary, ensuring your support for UFO research and the legacy of Kathy Schuessler continues.
To add a codicil for donations to the MUFON Legacy Fund, consult with your attorney to include the following suggested language:
“I devise and bequeath to the Mutual UFO Network, EIN: 37-0990161,
located at 4212 AIRPORT ROAD, STE. 100 CINCINNATI, OH 45226,
the sum of __________________ dollars ($_____________),
and/ or __________________ percentage (_____________%) of my estate valued at $_______________,
and/or real or personal property (including the exact location), stated as follows___________________________ valued at $ ______________.”

2. Life Insurance and Annuities: Name MUFON as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or annuity. This ensures that your legacy continues to support the cause you care about.

3. Estate Plan: Incorporate MUFON into your estate planning. Consult with your attorney to add the necessary language to your documents. Suggested wording can be provided to ensure your intentions are clearly stated.

4. Direct Donations: Make a direct donation to the MUFON Legacy Fund. Contributions of any size are greatly appreciated and will make a significant difference.

Once you have graciously decided to contribute, please inform the MUFON office of your intentions. You can reach us via mail, email, or phone to ensure your contribution is properly recognized.

Please address all mail to:
℅: Shobani, Kehl, and Tautfest
Phone: (513) 871-8367
Email: [email protected]

The Importance of Supporting UFO Research
Supporting the MUFON Legacy Fund is crucial for the continued advancement of UFO research and the pursuit of understanding unexplained phenomena. Here’s why your generous donations matter:

  • Sustained Research and Investigation: Your contributions help fund ongoing research projects, investigations, and the collection of data that is essential for scientific inquiry into UFO phenomena.
  • Public Education and Awareness: Donations support MUFON’s efforts to educate the public, disseminate information, and raise awareness about UFO sightings and related occurrences.
  • Preservation of MUFON’s Mission: Ensuring financial stability for MUFON helps preserve its mission for future generations. Your support guarantees that the quest for knowledge continues beyond our lifetimes.
  • Expanding Resources and Capabilities: Funding allows MUFON to expand its resources, improve technology, and enhance the capabilities of its investigators and researchers.
Your Legacy, MUFON’s Future
By contributing to the MUFON Legacy Fund in honor of Kathy Schuessler, you are playing a vital role in sustaining and advancing the study of UFO phenomena. Your thoughtfulness and planning today will ensure that MUFON remains a leading force in UFO research for years to come. Together, we can honor Kathy’s memory and continue the important work she supported so passionately.
For more information on how to give, or to notify us of your intention to support the MUFON Legacy Fund, please contact the MUFON office. Your generosity and commitment to the truth are deeply appreciated.