Last updated on July 1st, 2024 at 05:09 pm
Heartache, uncertainty, tears, disappointment, war and strife: It seems like MUFON has been through it all. And, we have! After 51 years MUFON has been through a lot. We have seen the good, the bad, the ugly and just about everything in between.
Regarding the recent unfortunate developments, we need you to know that the MUFON Board of Directors and staff were totally blindsided by the events. Though in shock, they moved quickly to address the issue.
But through it all we have continued on our mission. We have emerged from the darkness, risen up from the valley of tears and survived the constant attacks of our detractors—we have deflected the slings and arrows of a multitude of malcontents. However, the mothership we call MUFON has held its course and become faster, stronger, more powerful than any of those who try so hard to disrupt our mission.
Because of you! Our membership, our supporters, our volunteers, our backbone!
MUFON shall emerge from its troubles because we are strong. We can overcome our difficulties through it all, we understand the power of WILL, pure unwavering WILL! The absolute belief that we will endure, and we will continue the mission. And with that applied WILL, HOPE shall emerge and guide us through the dark night.
This is not the first time I have been called on to step into the position of executive director under less than perfect conditions, and I am humbled to accept the mantle.
There will be changes ahead, as there must be if we are to continuously evolve, strengthen and grow.
So, hang with me MUFONians. I am good at this and I promise that we will come out more competent, stronger and respected than when we came in. MUFON is in good hands with a sound board of directors, staff and dedicated leaders. We will go further than we have ever gone before.