Earl Grey Anderson is MUFON’s State Director of Southern California, a MUFON STAR Team member, as well as an executive committee member of MUFON’s ERT: The Experiencer Resource Team. In his work with MUFON, Earl has closed a plethora of High Strangeness cases, one of which was presented as one of MUFON’s “Cases Of The Year” at the 2021 Symposium. This year, Earl hosted the Experiencer Workshops for MUFON’s 2022 Denver Symposium, as he will be doing for the 2023 MUFON Symposium, in Cincinnati Ohio. Earl feels that the Experiencer Phenomenon is the beating heart of Ufology.  ”If we wish to understand this phenomenon, we need to listen to those who have had face to face encounters.” Earl is a full time Ufologist, and lives with his wife Lisa, and two cats, in Los Angeles, California. 


Shane Hurd has spent his government career in the fields of Civil Engineering, Geographic Information Systems, Information Technologies, and is a graduate of Arizona State University’s Certified Public Manager program.  As a member of the space race generation, he has been a lifelong space and science nerd, and sci-fi geek. It was the Phoenix Lights Incident in his hometown of Phoenix, Arizona that sparked his interest in UFO’s.  Since that time, he has studied the subject and ultimately in 2015 joined MUFON, then became a Field Investigator in 2017.  He is now a Star Team member and was recently appointed Assistant State Director for Arizona MUFON.  In June of 2020 he published his first book entitled “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: A beginners guide to researching UFOs”. He is a musician, a car guy, amateur astronomer, horse owner, and enjoys a good bourbon now and then.


I live in the central coast of southern California. I’ve been a Mufon member since 2003 and a Field Investigator for the last 10 years. I keep myself informed with the latest literature, books and news on the ufo/uap phenomena. I’ve been too been several UFO conferences including Mufon symposiums. I’m an experiencer since childhood and my interest in ufology began when my memories surfaced back in 2002. I have no way of knowing if I’m part of a generation of experiencers however I don’t think this is the case. They say it can be related to occupations. This is the only explanation I can come up which might connect me to ET. My father taught machine shop at the University of Chicago before he was shipped out to the Pacific during WW2. His roommate was Enrico Fermi, one of the members of the Manhattan project. I’ve been an active hiker most of my life and a long time member of the Sierra Club. I have volunteered for years with a public service support group. I’ve worked in the television and the travel business. I am married and my wife has four children and 3 grandchildren. I have a brother living in Colorado with his wife. 


Alex has been a Field Investigator within the state of Colorado since February of 2021. Originally from the Northeastern part of the United States, Alex has been living and working in Northern Colorado for several years.  From an early age Alex developed an interest in the unexplained leading him to join the MUFON organization. In his spare time Alex enjoys reading books, taking evening walks, and expanding his knowledge.


Active civil servant and senior technician in topography, road infrastructure and civil engineering, Eric obtained the MUFON investigator certification in July 2020 and is responsible for the Nouvelle – Aquitaine region in southwestern France. His natural attraction to ufology comes from a first observation in his childhood and a recent telepathic contact leading him to become actively involved in MUFON. Empathetic, open-minded and attentive, her wish is to support and help experiencers people. Martial arts practitioner – black belt Goju ryu karate of Okinawa – he enjoys contemplating nature and particularly appreciates the company of animals.


Linda has been a certified field investigator with MUFON since 2019 and is currently Assistant National Director for Ireland. Her first sighting was in 1999 over Killiney bay, Dublin Ireland in broad daylight. She witnessed 2 bright lights hovering over the sea when suddenly, the lights went out and she observed 2 metallic disc shaped objects that rose together in synchronization and shot off into the clouds.

She has spent the last 20+ years researching the phenomenon.


Professional photographer and former press correspondent for the daily newspaper Ouest-France, Janny Charrueau obtains MUFON’s investigator’s certification in December 2017. After completing several field surveys, she will be appointed MUFON Quebec’s Director of Investigations in May, 2018. Janny went on to become MUFON’S National Director for France in 2020. After building that chapter significantly, she resigned to dedicate her time to ERT! 


Daniel J. Christiano, Ph.D. is a licensed Psychologist in Arizona. He is currently practicing in the White Mountains, where he lives with his wife. They have three children and three grandchildren. He obtained his Doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology from Arizona State University and his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Canisius College in Buffalo, N.Y. He has been trained in treating children and adults, and has experience in PTSD, meditation, hypnosis, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Lives in Arizona.


Marietta is a MUFON Field Investigator.  She has researched Ufology, Savie (Bigfoot), and Near Death Experiences for over 50 years.

This has resulted in contact with hundreds of Experiencers of non-human contact and with those who have had interactions with the unknown.  She worked with adjudicated and victimized teens for 23 years.  She has managed several businesses. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in  Community and Human Service, and three Associate degrees in Business Administration, Criminal Justice and Paralegal.  She is extremely non-judgemental.


Christopher DePerno was born in Ithaca, New York where he then joined the United States Marine Corps, being recruited and selected in the Marine Security Guard Battalion, the bodyguards to American Diplomats and Protection to embassies all over the world. He finished his tour and went back to college to earn a degree in Criminal Justice. At the same time, Mr. DePerno was a member of the Army National Guard, where he was assigned as an Intelligence Sergeant/Nuclear/Biological/Chemical Warfare Technician. Mr. DePerno then joined the Ithaca Police Department and was sent to the FBI Academy to become an Instructor. Mr. DePerno taught at the Broome County Police Academy, where he gave classes on Basic Criminal Investigation. Mr. DePerno was then recruited by the Syracuse Police Department, where he became a Detective. He was first assigned to the Abused Persons Unit, the Rape Task Force, then transferred to the Criminal Investigation Division, where he was a case detective working and solving major crimes. He is a trained professional interviewer and interrogator for the Police Departments. Mr. DePerno finished 25 years of a law enforcement career. He is now retired and enjoying being a Field Investigator and State Director for New York MUFON.


​Nancy is currently the Assistant State Director for MUFON of Kansas. As a Field Investigator Nancy has interviewed witnesses and researched many UFO/High Strange events with a team of highly skilled Kansas MUFON Field Investigators. These investigations along with her own
personal experiences span an extraordinary range of phenomena fueling Nancy’s passion for the study of one of the greatest mysteries of our time. Nancy also works with the MUFON Experiencer Research Team or ERT. The “ERT” Team provides a safe place for witnesses to share their stories who have experienced events such as UFO sightings, missing time, interaction with non-humans and a variety of other paranormal events.


Don Donderi is a retired psychology professor. His research specialty is human visual perception and memory, two human capacities that are essential to obtaining and analyzing UFO evidence, and he has maintained a professional interest in the UFO evidence since 1965. He lives in Montreal, Canada.


Wendy Jaglarski has been a MUFON member for several years and became a Field Investigator in 2017, later earning Illinois Field Investigator of The Year in 2019. Having witnessed and experienced various unusual events since she was a young child, she’s had a deep curiosity of the world ever since. As host of the “Unexplainable Truths” podcast, Wendy welcomes renowned guests to share their experiences on all things unexplainable or mysterious and her investigative work has been published in the MUFON Journal. Born and raised in the Chicagoland area, Wendy recently moved an hour outside of the city where she loves being able to skywatch and see the stars from her deck.


My name is Anniversary Feinstein.  I was employed as a civil servant for 27 years, prior to taking an early retirement in November of 2007.  In my last position I worked for the Department of Defense, as the Budget Analyst and Resource Advisor for Foreign Military Sales.  I then worked as the Executive Vice President for a financial service company located in the Denver Tech Center.  After ten years, I fully retired.  I am a wife and mother of three grown children with six grandchildren.  I am a contactee who had my first conscious contact in 1981.  I have studied UFOs and the contactee experience ever since.  I have attended UFO conferences since 1989 (approximately 2 a year).  When you have an experience, outside of your reality envelope, you can never learn enough about it.  I am also an artist.  I love nothing better than creating.  I quilt and truly enjoy creating art quilts.  I also produce stained glass pieces, turn pens on a lathe, carve wood, turn pottery (love to make free-form angels), and design unique jewelry.  I am a MUFON field investigator for Colorado, a CAG, a CAG International, an Assistant Director for South Dakotas and now an ERT.  I want to serve the UFO community in every way that I can.


Sherry is a Clinical Psychologist with the following titles: Clinical Director, Trauma Coordinator for Federal Prisons, Prison Staff Psychologist, Degree from A&S in Clinical Psychology, Argosy University, Masters in Clinical Psychology.


(ERT) MUFON Experiencer Resource Team. Tim is the president of Martin Consulting an international safety and health consulting company and is an expert in Mining and Industrial Safety and has conducted major disaster investigations with cost running into the millions of dollars. He has conducted hundreds of classes certifying induvials how to conduct professional investigations. 

Mr. Martin’s work has taken him across the United States, Canada, South America and South Africa. Tim says he has had a healthy intellectual curiosity in the unknown for most of his life which led him to MUFON in 2011. Mr. Martins education includes an MBA from Ohio University and a PhD in Management of Organizational Leadership from the University of Phoenix. Mr. Martin also completed the Executive Leadership program at Ohio State Universities Fisher School of Business. Mr. Martin is a consultant to some of the largest law firms in the US and serves on several legislative rule making committees in Washington, DC.  For the past 30 years Mr. Martin has lived in Point Pleasant, WV which is home to the famous Mothman sightings back in 1966. 


Ken Jordan is currently the State Director for Texas, the Director of the San Antonio MUFON Chapter, a level two Field Investigator and has served as Chief of Investigations and a State Section Director for Texas.  He is a retired Army Field Artillery Officer (2014) with 39 years of service to include Special Operations and Counterterrorism. His work with Experiencers as an Investigator is now used as a member of the ERT.  Ken lives in San Antonio, Texas with his wife of 52 years.  He joined MUFON while still on active duty in 2013.


Lynette has studied a Bachelor of Arts Honors degree in Dramatic Art at The University of the Witswatersrand in South Africa.  She was a professional actor and dancer for many years, and then continued her studies with a Graduate Diploma in Secondary teaching at Auckland Institute of Technology in New Zealand.  She has since then been working as a high school teacher, teaching both dance and drama in New Zealand and presently drama on the Gold Coast, Australia where she resides.  Since Lynette was young she has always had an interest in Ufology.  Over the last decade, since her first sighting, her interest in the subject has grown and lead her to more research, reading and understanding of the phenomenon. She attends many UFO and consciousness conferences in Australia and is a MUFON field investigator. 


Ex-military police (Gendarmerie Nationale) in France, Police Municipale in France, National Guard of the Foreign Legion, security agency supervisor, International CAG Field Investigator MUFON Quebec, worked with women victims of domestic violence, contact experiencer.


A member of MUFON since 2017, Michael Dagenais is Assistant State Director of Nevada and also serves as a Field Investigator and member of the Experiencer Resource Team.

Michael is a retired operations executive from the theme park, museum, and event industries.  He currently works as a tax preparer / tax advisor in Las Vegas, NV and is enrolled to practice before the Internal Revenue Service.  He holds a BA in Economics from the University of California, San Diego and a MA in Liberal Arts (Museum Studies) from the University of Oklahoma.

Michael is a volunteer with MicroMentor by Mercy Corps, mentoring and advising entrepreneurs around the globe wishing to start and grow their own businesses.  He is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor of Pathways of Light and a Certified Hypnotist Member in Good Standing with the National Guild of Hypnotists, Inc.

Michael’s goal is to help individuals come to terms with their experiences by providing a safe, empathetic,  and nonjudgemental opportunity to be heard.


The Most Reverend David Fucci is a Bishop with the Western Orthodox Christian Church and has earned a M.Div, a PsyD in Clinical Psychology and a PhD in Theology and is a Professor of Orthodox Theology teaching courses in Angelic Powers, Demonology and Angels. David is a Credentialed Psychoanalyst by the State of Vermont and a Board Certified Psychoanalyst. David is a MUFON Field Investigator and has been a California Licensed Private Investigator for over 33 years. David is a member of the American Psychological Association and the Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists. He has 18 years of experience in the assessment and treatment of PTSD as a Chaplain with the California State Guard and 31 years in Pastoral Counseling. My purpose for being on the ERT is to assist members as a consultant on Abductions and Encounters that might be of a different kind of encounter that of a malevolent or demonic entity to help rule out or distinguish from such encounters.


William McNeff joined the US Army in 1955, where he received training in electronics and graduated in radar repair.  He was cleared for Top Secret and worked in Electronic Countermeasures.  Bill received a BSEE degree from the University of Nebraska in 1960.  His background includes forty years of work for various electronic and computer organizations, including Honeywell, Ceridian, and the Mayo Research Organization in Minnesota.  He retired in 2000.  He has been avidly interested in subjects on the frontiers of science, including UFOs, since 1947.  Bill served as State Director for MUFON in Minnesota for a number of years, and is currently Chief Investigator.  He has investigated hundreds of UFO cases, has authored many articles on the subject, and has co-authored a book:  “Extraterrestrial Odyssey”.


George is the ERT Team Director. George is a former professional athlete who spent 10 years in the Major Leagues as a pitcher for the New York Yankees, Pittsburgh Pirates, Texas Rangers, and Milwaukee Brewers. During the off season, while playing professional baseball he attended the University Of Pittsburgh School Of Medicine. After completing his baseball career in 1982, he did an orthopedic residency at the University of Pittsburgh followed by a Sports Medicine Fellowship with Dr. James Andrews in Birmingham, Alabama.

After retirement from clinical practice, he pursued his love of astronomy becoming an amateur astronomer supplemented by university courses in Astrophysics. His curiosity about the UFO phenomenon led to his Field Investigator training with MUFON and an appointment as a Section State Director for Pennsylvania and ERT member. He also participated on MUFON’s Anomalous Foreign Body Removal Protocol Team. His interest in alien abduction was fostered by years of medical practice, a strong background in physics and astronomy and an interest in UFO phenomena.


Anna Scott is a registered nurse with a background in health care and laboratory science. She’s had a lifelong interest in ufology and has seen many things she can’t explain. She obtained her field investigator certification with MUFON in the fall of 2018. She enjoys travel, gardening, nature and spending time with her family.


Jerred Nelson has a Masters in Aviation with a Minor in Space Studies. He is a retired Army Officer and has been involved with military and civil aviation for over 35 years. His focus on Ufology and his ongoing Interest in Cryptozoology, keep him busy. He is currently a Level 2 Volunteer Field Investigator and ERT member for MUFON.


Before graduating High School I completed the Rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America after 7 years, and Worked for 5 years as a councilor to young adults. After High School I joined the Army National Guard and became a 13 Bravo, Artillery Cannon Crew Member, I did my Basic Training at Fort Sill Oklahoma. I joined MUFON in 2019 and quickly became a Field Investigator. My writing has been published in the MUFON monthly journal about my home state of Pennsylvania.


Alberto is a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating patients with epilepsy and other neurological conditions. Dr. Pinzon completed his internship at Jacobi Medical Center and his residency at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. He completed a fellowship in clinical neurophysiology-epilepsy at Miami Children’s Hospital. He also holds a Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in biomedical engineering from the University of Miami. He is a fellow of the American Epilepsy Society. Alberto has a deep interest in astronomy/space, physics, and advanced technologies. The experiences from people close to him developed a particular interest in the UFO phenomenon since early age.




Matthew Kellison is a Field Investigator for MUFON Florida and member of the Experiencer Resource Team (ERT).  He retired from the U.S. Coast Guard in 2017 after 30-years of service and holds a Master of Science degree in Aviation and Aerospace Management from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical Technology from Purdue University.  He is an NTSB trained / USCG certified Aviation Accident Investigator, holds an FAA Airframe & Powerplant certification and is also an Aircraft Vibration Analyst. Matt enjoys beekeeping, SCUBA diving, fishing, cycling and has a lifelong fascination with Ufology and the unexplained.


Rebecca Villar (Becky) is a retired Nurse and currently works as a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki and QHHT practitioner. She has been a Florida MUFON Field Investigator since 2021, and joined the MUFON ERT in 2022.She has always been interested Sci-Fi tops, even as a young child. Becky is an avid reader in topics of Ufology, Near Death Experiences, Higher Consciousness and Philosophy.  She enjoys photography, and has self-studied Orb photography since 2008. She also enjoys playing the wind flute and hand drum.


Denise is the Assistant Director of ERT. Denise is a retired Civil Servant of 20 years plus. She worked special projects with National Park Service in Colorado then transferred to the Navy in Florida where she did background searches for new recruits entering the nuclear power world. Denise is trained in forensic hypnosis plus is a former cave diver and SCUBA instructor. As an SSD she holds meetings in the Orlando area plus 2 support group meetings per year for experiencers. She has been working in ufology for 40 years.


Madeleine (Mady) Tobias, MS, RN CS is a retired psychotherapist who worked with veterans with PTSD from combat trauma as well as sexual abuse. She had also been in private practice since 1979 working with adults victimized in childhood, and those who had been in destructive cults. Mady is the co-author of Captive Hearts/Captive Minds as well as contributing to three other books on mind control, cults and recovery issues.  She has contributed a chapter on psychological and recovery issues in Kathleen Marden’s Extraterrestrial  Contact : “What to Do When You’ve Been Abducted” with fellow ERT members Ann Castle and Denise Stoner. Mady became a MUFON Field Investigator in 2016 and was immediately drawn to helping experiencers and those affected by their exposure to UFO phenomena. She has had a lifelong interest in ufology and the unusual. She sees many similarities in the aftereffects of both destructive cults and abduction experiences. Her latest book, Dogs, God and UFOs is a memoir of her spiritual/psychological journey. Mady is a Reiki Master, volunteering giving Reiki to patients in a hospice organization.


Hi I’m Christopher Harmon  from Green Valley ILL, I’m a Mufon Star Team Member.And also an Experiencer Research Team  member. I do Paranormal Investigations with a Local Group From Pekin ILL, S.W.P.I (Something Wicked Paranormal Investigations). I’m a self employed Photographer.  I can sometimes be heard on Ham Radio from time to time on (kc9qxz). Working with Experiencers is rewarding to me. Being able to help comfort and console those who have had an Encounter and let them know that I’m Here and will do my best to help them through their  traumatic experience and letting them know they are not alone that someone does care.


Graduate of the University of Vermont with a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration.   Beginning in September of 1970 served in the US Army, as field artillery officer. Was VP of Luscombe Engineering, a Silicon-Valley based manufacturer’s representative company.  Joined MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, in 1991 and has held the following positions:   Field investigator, Training Coordinator for field investigators, the Assistant State Director in Northern California, Chairman of the A.E.R.C. (Abduction Experiencer Research Committee), and team leader of the A.R.T. (Abduction Response Team) and presented at the MUFON Symposium in Denver in 2009. Also, during this time, became a facilitator for an abduction support group in San Jose California. Appeared on Coast to Coast AM with George Knapp, Midnight in the Desert with Heather Wade, Open Minds Radio with Alejandro Rojas, UFONAUT Radio with Jesse Randolph, Erica Lukes and Linda Moulton Howe Phenomenon Radio on KGRA and various local public access TV productions.


Mary Watson, M.D. is a board-certified psychiatrist specializing in psychotherapy for the treatment of trauma and utilizing medication when appropriate.  Dr. Watson has an interest and expertise in helping people with experiences outside of the “normal” range including contact with non-human entities.  If you have had one of these encounters, it has undoubtedly had a major impact on your life.  For many, seeking professional help in these situations is intimidating.  It helps to know that your doctor will not label you as having a disorder, when what you have had is an experience.


Kathleen Wyer has a Bachelor of Fine Arts, and a Masters in Education in Design, Communications, and Technology Education. She utilized her education and project management skills to teach multiple Washington State Employees and the Judiciary on new statewide systems, laws, and policies. She has been a Certified Field Investigator for Washington State since 2015.


Margie Kay is the owner/operator of a Forensic Investigation company in Kansas City, Missouri and is a licensed private investigator. She is the Assistant State Director for Missouri MUFON, and a Star Team Investigator. Margie is a nationally acclaimed psychic and remote viewer, having successfully completed over 60 homicide, missing person, and theft cases for law enforcement, private investigators, and individuals. Margie is the author of multiple books including The Remote Viewing Workbook, The Kansas City UFO Flaps, Gateway to the Dead, The Fast Movers, The Master Dowser’s Chart Book and others. She  conducts seminars and workshops nationwide. Kay is the owner of UN-X Media Publishing and the UN-X Broadcasting Network.

E-mail: [email protected]



Timothy Aines has a BA from Northwestern University and an M.S. from the University of Southern California in Systems Management.  Tim is a lifelong student of the ET contact phenomenon and served 23 years as a senior intelligence officer in both the Marine Corps and United States Coast Guard where he interviewed hundreds of people on cases of national interest, including the UAP phenomenon.  Tim has been a MUFON member and a very successful field investigator for almost a decade, working with Experiencers on a wide variety of encounters, sightings, and unexplained paranormal activity.  Tim is also a logistician, having served as Chief of Staff of the Crisis Action Team at the U.S. Transportation Command where he was responsible for airlift and sealift operations in support of worldwide military operations for the two years immediately after 9/11.  Tim lives in Illinois with his wife and has four grown children.  His hobbies are books, film, logistics problems, and anything having to do with geographical or historical mysteries.


Daniel’s undergraduate studies in Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering led to a BS in Automotive Engineering Technology with a math minor. Work history includes 18 years in heavy construction of Civil Infrastructure projects working as engineering department manager.  Ten years as CEO of Civil Works consulting service firm.  A 12 year career for a Detroit Defense Contractor working with mechanical sub-systems with specialized training in Six Sigma process improvement. Daniel’s previous work with experiencers includes completion of more than 100 MUFON experiencer cases in Michigan and Illinois utilizing the EQ on many occasions since its inception.  A supporting member of a Chicago experiencer group since 2015.  A supporting member of a Michigan CE-5 Human Initiated Contact research group.  Continuing study of Kundalini Yoga which provides methods of learning emulating some of the Experiencer related experiences such as out of body travel.  Daily practice of meditation which emulates self-hypnosis allowing energetic flow into Human Initiated Contact. 


During my formative years, I grew up in an air force family, where we lived on bases in Europe as well as on Long Island, NY, and, finally, in Florida.   I graduated from Florida State University with a BA in Criminology and I have a Masters Degree in Leadership from Bellevue University.  I also have a Project Management Certificate from the University of California-Irvine.  I retired in 2012 from policing, as a police captain, after 27 years in law enforcement, which included 3 years as a parole and probation officer and 3 years as a Border Patrol Agent.  Currently, My wife and I have two adult children, and we live on a small boutique farm where we grow flowers, raise animals, and enjoy county canyon living.  I have been a MUFON field investigator for the last year, I hold a current private investigator’s license in California, and I have been a avid researcher in the study of science related to the subject of Ufology for the last 50 years.


I was born and raised in SE Florida. I have always had a great interest in the unknown starting in childhood. After having my own sighting in the early 1990’s the desire to investigate these great mysteries strengthened. I spent 24 years working in law enforcement in several different states. I have held many positions in law enforcement including being an Undersheriff and an elected Sheriff.  I am currently the Program Manager over Public Safety / Security at a rural healthcare facility. I joined MUFON in 2020 and am currently a Field Investigator for Montana, a member of the CAG, and a new member of the ERT. I have also assisted in several Unknown Phenomena investigations. When not working on a case, I can be found reading, hiking, teaching, and trying to change the adage that “you cannot teach an old dog new tricks”.


Fred Zewe is the Nebraska Assistant State Director since 2020, started attending MUFON meetings in 1990s and became a FI in 2010.  He graduated from Iowa State University in 1976 with a BS in Elementary Education, taught 5th/6th Math in Ogden, Iowa, worked 3 years for C&NW Railroad and then graduated from Iowa Western CC in 1982 with an AAS in Electronic Technology.  Fred then started work in 1983 for a Government/Defense Contractor as a Field Engineer for E-Systems (now known as L3Harris) in working alongside the USAF RC-135 Rivet Joint Program for 37 years.

Fred spend years in his spiritual studies and meditations with Siddha Yoga, having his first Kundalini experience in Tokyo 1985 and visiting gurus, Sai Baba and Gurumayi in India in 1987.  He then started having numerous dreams in his awakening of his ET encounters, though having had a missing time/screen memory experience in 1974 and in his first UFO sighting with an internal message in 1978.  He continued in his inner spiritual studies with Theosophy, NLP, Hypnosis and Oneness University/meditations. He enjoys the insights of Quantum Reality, DMT, OBE/NDEs and other altered states of Consciousness.  Fred is very excited to be a member of MUFON ERT team in supporting others whom have had ET encounters. 


James (Jim) Krug Graduating from Juniata College (PA) in 2002 with a Bachelor’s in Science in Earth & Space Science and Secondary Education, Jim Krug has served as the Planetarium Director of the Neil Armstrong Planetarium in Altoona, PA since 2003. He co-founded the Space Race Museum containing valuable artifacts from the US and Soviet Space programs, and founded the Mt. Lion Observatory at nearby Fort Roberdeau historic site. Krug hosts public programs at the Planetarium and Observatory throughout the year, as well as birthday parties, scouting groups, and a 9-week adult evening classes focusing on Astronomy, Conspiracies, and Extraterrestrial Life at the Planetarium. He has served at the President of the Altoona Area Education Association, and was honored with the CARE Award in 2020 as the outstanding Secondary Educator in the Altoona Area School District. Krug has been a MUFON Field Investigator since 2015, and a PA State Section Director for the past five years. He is a frequent presenter at PA MUFON State Conferences, and has appeared on UFOs Over Pittsburgh, Aquarian Radio, The Chris DePerno Show, The Kevin Moore Show, and a Pennsylvania UFO documentary by Maynard Films. Krug has been published in Phenomena Magazine, and is a frequent guest on The Eric McKenna Project, and co-hosts the Majestic Ears Only podcast, available on iTunes and Google Play. He lives in Altoona.


A self-proclaimed IT nerd, with a Masters Degree in the field.  Not an experiencer himself, but a believer and lover of the UFO Phenomenon.  Now the MUFON Assistant State Director for Utah, the coolest state of course ;), and a proud member of the ERT team.  When not chasing aliens, he enjoys playing video games, working out, reading, and binge-watching TV.  Cats count as kids, right?  Then he has two beautiful furry children.  Keep watching the skies and here’s to many more years down that ol’ rabbit hole.



Murray has never seen an alien (that he’s aware of), or any unidentified craft, though he has seen some strange acting lights a few times. He is not an experiencer, but as a lifelong student of this phenomenon, he fully understands the reality of the situation. Murray investigates cases privately as well as being a Field Investigator for MUFON for four years.


Pamela is a Field Investigator and STAR Team member for MUFON MD and has investigated multiple sightings including two that involved ET contact. She is an artist/illustrator who licenses her designs to manufacturers for their products, mainly for children. She has been fascinated by space and UFO’s since childhood and has a great interest in contact experience due to the events in her lifetime.


Jacqui Cassel is a member of MUFON’s Experiencer Resource Team (ERT) and a certified Field Investigator. She has both a B.S. in Psychology and an MBA. Jacqui is an author and public speaker with on-air experience, related to personal empowerment, spirituality, subtle energy, and aliens (non-locals). Her own experiences have led to 20 years of practicing subtle energy purification, in conducting paranormal investigations, as well as working with experiencers.

Jacqui has cultivated 25 years of extensive experience in cross-functional strategic growth planning, business transformation, and change management expertise across various industries. Her specialties include transformation and commercialization, strategic planning, program management, process improvement, financial analysis, data analytics, marketing, and developing heart-based, authentic leadership. Her extensive personal and professional experiences have given her the tools to be successful as an executive leader, entrepreneur, and investigator. She has honed her investigative and analytical skills, enabling her to deliver exceptional service to those she serves.


Dr. Robert Young is a metaphysicist, parapsychologist and ufologist. He is the UK National Director for MUFON, a member of the SCU, a faculty member of the American Institute Of Parapsychology and a member of the Ghost Club in the UK. His main areas of research are apparitional experiences, hauntings and poltergeist infestations and paralells between ufological and parapsychological phenomena and experience. He also researches all aspects of the UFO phenomenon. Dr. Young also founded and runs the British Ghost Society, The Office Of UFO/UAP Research and The Office Of Parapsychological Research in the UK. Dr. Young is author of the books: Parapsychology, Ghosts And Hauntings (2015) and: Apparitions, Hauntings And Poltergeists (2021).


Jennifer has been a certified field investigator since 2020 and joined the ERT in 2023. She does Reiki and intuitive readings. An experiencer herself, she can relate to having strange encounters. She saw her first UFO in about June of 2007, when she was being observed by an oval metallic object hovering down the street. She knew that it was sentient and reading her mind. In about June of 2016, she saw a projection of an extra-terrestrial and it communicated to her that one of their E.T. crew had been taken by people. Jennifer held a DoD Secret clearance for a government contractor and assisted the Vice President of the company with his business area management. She graduated from Specs Howard School of Media Arts and was a freelance video production coordinator for many years.


Mufon NY Field Investigator since 2020.
Prior medical and legal transcriptionist, Reiki master, certified meditation guide, freelance writer, and paranormal investigator with OPI.  Member of the Rhine Research Center with certification in Field Investigations in Parapsychology.
I am married with two young adult sons and reside in upstate New York.  I have been interested in ufology since my early teenage years, having acquired the interest from my father.  Other hobbies include hiking the Adirondack peaks, writing, swimming, dog training, painting, and travel.


Dan is retired from the Air Force where he was a fighter pilot and a test pilot. He became the Director of Test for the F-22 program and finally Director of Test Resources for the Air Force.
He spent his retirement as a small businessman in Walla Walla and is now re-retired. He has been a member of MUFON since 2017 and Chief Investigator since 2018. 


Fernanda Pires is the Founder and President of CIFE (Scientific Channel of UFO’s Phenomena & Space Research – Articles Writer, Speaker, Ufologist, Entrepreneur, MUFON Assistant National Director CA & BR, MUFON Experiencer Resource Team ERT, Certified Field Investigator, GARPAN Investigator – Investigation Professionnelle en Ufologie Civile, Co-Producer of the Documentary “Moment of Contact” Varginha’s Case – The Roswell of Brazil with James Fox, Associate Director of the book “Varginha Incident” jointly with Pacaccini The Main Investigator of Varginha’s case 1996. 

The ufology research and alien abduction investigation has been one of her greatest purposes up to now. She started doing ufo research in her early 17 years old when had a deep desire to understand the reason “why” of our existence. Fernanda have investigated an abduction case that was published on “Jornal Le Montreal”, also published on a Civil UFO Investigation website.


Jim Bryant, MSW is a retired Naval Aviator who became a Social Worker.  In 1993 he was a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) working for the Arlington County Department of Human Services as a mental health therapist in the county jail. He had a private practice for 20 years and retired from his practice in 2012.  He is certified in EMDR and hypnotherapy. He has been a volunteer for hospice both while on active duty in the Navy and after he retired from private practice. He is a published author (James Culver Bryant) and photographer. He continues his service as a Trauma Consultant.


Hi I am Rusty Hester. I have been in the service industry for 35 years. I have owned a salon for the last 20 years of my career. I joined MUFON in 2018 and became a field investigator in 2022. I recently became a an SSD. I have always had a life long passion for the UFO topic after several unexplained sightings. In edition to ufology, my hobbies are going to nursing homes and hospitals with my therapy dog Blu to visit the sick. I also love swimming, traveling and Broadway plays.


Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, researcher of the UFO phenomenon for almost 30 years.

He was vice president of the UFO research group Entidade Brasileira de Estudos Extraterrestrials (EBE-ET), in Brasília, for almost 10 years.

Co-editor and columnist for Revista UFO, columnist for the British magazine UFO Truth, President of the Brazilian Commission of Ufologists (CBU), National Director of MUFON in Brazil, Field Researcher certified by MUFON, member of the STAR Team of MUFON and ERT MUFON.

Author of 14 books, he wrote dozens of texts for Revista UFO magazine and other ufological publications. He has participated in several programs on the History Channel, NetGeo and Discovery; as well as radio shows, podcasts and interviews.

Thiago Luiz holds a degree in Business Administration from the Associação de Ensino Unificado do Distrito Federal – AEUDF, an Executive MBA from the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets (IBMEC-DF); and is currently studying an MBA in International Cooperation and Public Policy.


“Dr. Pam Murray is an author, speaker and life coach. She has written five books and hundreds of articles, and has travelled the world, teaching and speaking. For 7 years she hosted a television interview show. Some of her guests were experiencers, which piqued her interest in this area. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Modern Languages and a Masters and Doctorate in Divinity/Metaphysics.”


After working for more than 35 years in the Pro Audio Industry, Chris is now retired and enjoys life spending time with his wife of more than 30 years.  He continues to be active in managing a small business and really enjoys investigating cases for MUFON.



Dev has over 45 years of UFO research and investigative experience. She became interested in UFOs at an early age and has had many UFO sightings. In January of 2008, she joined MUFON and became the Oregon MUFON Chief Investigator. Moving back to Northern California in early 2010, she joined NorCal MUFON and became the Assistant State Director, a title she held for over ten years. She is now the State Director. In 2021, Dev released her book, UFO Investigator: A Personal Look into Circumstance, Investigations and Discovery.



John is a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor (LPC-S) in Texas, a field investigator since 2021, and a
member of MUFON’s Experiencer Resource Team (ERT). With extensive experience in providing emotional and
psychological support, he brings a unique perspective to the team, helping individuals process the often profound
and challenging nature of their experiences.
While ERT does not offer formal counseling, John is attuned to how such experiences can be both traumatic and
transformative, and he approaches each case with sensitivity and respect. His professional background allows him
to offer a safe space for individuals seeking understanding and validation of their extraordinary encounters.


Carol “C.J.” Arabia is a level 3 Field Investigator for Southern California MUFON and a member of MUFON’s
Experiencer Resource Team (ERT). She is also an Executive Board member of the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance


Leeza Franks received a BA from the University of Maryland Baltimore County in Film/Video Production. After working in this area for
several years, Leeza decided to become a police officer in 1995. She worked as a detective for many years in an undercover narcotics unit
and then as a violent crimes investigator. In this capacity, she developed the critical skills necessary in handling victims of serious
crimes. Leeza completed in-depth training as a member of the CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) and further enhanced the specific skill
sets to assess subjects with mental health issues. She received her MA from American Military University in 2021 with an emphasis in Criminal Justice/Public Safety and retired at the rank of Sergeant after 27 years of dedicated service in 2022.

Leeza joined MUFON a few years prior to retirement and has always had a deep interest in unexplained phenomena. The Field Investigator role with MUFON was an ideal transition and Leeza wished to further her assistance as a member of the ERT. She is extremely proud to have been granted the ability to bring a semblance of peace and legitimacy to those who have experienced a most extraordinary event(s) in their lives.


Irena Scott has interviewed a wide variety of experiencers as reported in her most recent book, Beyond Reasonable
Doubt: The Pascagoula Alien Abduction with Philip Mantle. She is working for more acceptance of Close Encounter
phenomena; research for this book was used in the top Netflix show in early April 2024. She received her Ph.D. from
the University of Missouri, College of Veterinary Medicine, did post-doctoral research at Cornell University, and had a
professorship at St. Bonaventure University. Her MS was from the University of Nevada, her BS from Ohio State
University in astronomy and biology, and she has done research and teaching at The Ohio State University College of
Medicine. The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) employed her in Ph.D. level research in satellite photography
including the Air Order of Battle section of its Photographic Interpretation Office, with Sensitive Compartmented
Information (SCI), clearances. She was employed by what is now the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and she
worked at Battelle Memorial Institute. She was an astronomer at the Ohio State University Radio Observatory and was
a correspondent for Popular Mechanics. She served on the MUFON Board of Directors (1993 to 2000). Website:


I am a Field Investigator and a Prior Star Team Member with Mufon. I became a FI in 2015 after myself and two other people came in close contact with a huge Triangular-shaped Craft. I just recently joined the ERT Team. I am currently a Support Group Leader with the Alpha 1 Foundation since 2015. 

I am originally from Laramie, WY, where I attended the University there. For the last 25 years, I have resided in Rocklin, CA. I am a previous business owner of Rocky Mountain Impressions. I have a love for Photography and have sold many prints. Some of my work can be seen at

My previous jobs included a position with Ark Industries, Laramie, WY as an instructor where I assisted individuals with developmental disabilities. I was in charge of running the print shop. I also have experience as a teacher’s aide working with disabled children through the School District in Casper, Wyoming. 

My hobbies are photography, crafts, beadwork, and spending time in nature. 


Barb is a retired health care worker.  Barb’s interest in UFO sightings and the search for extraterrestrial lifeforms began in the early 1970’s.  A 2016 sighting was a life changing event that convinced Barb to want to be a Field Investigator for Mufon. Barb has investigated over 105 sightings and is Western Regional Chief Investigator for Mufon Canada



Walt Beerman is a State Section Director for MUFON WA Chapter and resides in the Seattle area. He joined MUFON in 2018 after retiring from a career in finance and real estate mortgage banking. Walt holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the University of South Florida’s School of Business. Over his fifty-year mortgage banking career, he spent twenty-five years as the owner of his own mortgage brokerage firm. Earlier in his career, during the Cold War, he served in the U.S. Army and was stationed at an NSA site in Berlin.


Marilyn A. Hudson is a Certified Field Investigator with MUFON and Archivist and Researcher for Oklahoma MUFON. She is a graduate of Oklahoma University (Norman) in fields of history and library/information (B.A. and M.L.I.S.). She has been a lifelong learner about a variety of topics including the topics related to space exploration and the themes presented by the UAP label. A retired Library Professional, Educator, and Administrator, her interests include history, art, spiritual life, and literacy. She is also author of several books, some focusing on her interest in historical research into the UFO/UAP phenomena, with a specific interest in historical chronologies of key eras.