With all the recent hoopla surrounding possible egg-shaped UFO retrievals and updates on mysterious drones, a story about Tennessee Congressional Representative Tim Burchett has gone virtually unnoticed. Burchett believes possible extraterrestrials are operating football field length craft in our oceans that can travel hundreds of miles per hour. The fastest known speed of any manmade sub never surpassed 44 knots (50.6 mph).
In a recent January 23rd interview, Burchett stated, “There are tens of millions of dollars that we’ve spent investigating these things. We’ve had departments tell us that they have recovery units, but they won’t release full reports. Everything’s covered up.
“When they tell me something’s moving at hundreds of miles an hour underwater, and our capabilities … and these things, this one was, it was large as a football field underwater. And this was a documented case, and … and I have an admiral telling me this stuff.”
If not aliens, what else could we be witnessing?
The Communist Chinese military has been experimenting with lasers to create fast underwater travel. These lasers, using only 2 megawatts of power can create 70,000 Newtons of power potentially making a submarine go as fast as 767 miles per hour, as fast as a commercial jet. This would be an absolute game changer should the United States and its allies seek to protect Taiwan from a Communist Chinese invasion.
Underwater Fiber Laser-Induced Plasma Detonation Wave Propulsion, a concept developed by Japan in the 1960s, would allow lasers to create detonations that could push a sub forward at incredible speeds. A stealth attack sub could reach San Diego in about 8 hours. The fastest conventional sub would take 131 hours.
Let’s hope it’s ET, and friendly ET at that!