Last week, Ross Coulthart, an Australian UFO Expert and Television Personality, along with fledgling network News Nation, broke a very important whistle-blower story about a helicopter pilot named Jacob Barber who flew UFO crash retrieval missions for the U.S. Government and as a private contractor.
Startling revelations! Are they true?
Barber has been vetted by multiple agencies and former co-workers. Coulthart is a very reputable
researcher! So, what do they have?
Barber’s story seems to pan out. He retrieved multiple objects for the U.S. Government. Are they extraterrestrial? Secret Projects?
Two cases Barber relates to New Nation suggest he retrieved a box housing an unknown item. He and his team became sick afterward, possibly with radiation exposure. In a second account, he retrieved an an egg-shaped object that he felt communicated to him at a psychic level causing him to have multiple emotional reactions of happy and sad as he approached the object.
In the two-hour special on News Nation, they present a video “obtained independently” away from
Jacob Barber that the world is obsessed with. It is of an egg-shaped UAP being retrieved via a helicopter in night vision.
The question is, of course, can the video be substantiated or is it a staged or hoax event?
Is it even a legitimate night vision video?
Before this video was screened, the UFO street was gaga with the hope that disclosure was here,
finally! After the release of the video, the UFO street was divided into two camps. One camp says disclosure emphatically is here! Another camp intimates that we are looking at another paper mâché’ alien mummy debacle. So, what gives?
MUFON has a crack Photo Analysis Team headed by noted photo and video expert, astronomer, and long-time UFO researcher Marc D’Antonio. Along with other teammates Greg Cisko, Sam Maranto, and Seth Feinstein, MUFON analyzed the video extensively based on the absence of meta-data that Coulthart and News Nation possess but have not yet given to the public. We come to two differing conclusions.
That’s OK when you deal with a free and open grassroots organization like MUFON that
wants truth rather than a preconceived notion by whoever may be funding you or sending you their
Here is the link to our in-depth analysis! You, the UFO Community, and the general public get the final say! What do you think?
About the EGG. MUFON Investigators and analysts chime in. – YouTube
A fifth member of our PAT, Dennis Freyermuth, did not appear on camera but had an equally compelling set of questions.
You, our audience, can decide for yourself what our PAT came up with but I will leave you with some additional questions from Dennis.
“I have looked at this quite a bit lately and I have serious reservations if this was a real UAP:
Why is it being set down on some field somewhere?
Why aren’t there any other vehicles with personnel nearby?
Why isn’t it being set down in a place invisible to prying eyes?
Why isn’t it being set down in a military facility?
Is the slack in the tow line suggestive it is something very very light being lowered to the
They say it’s “night vision” but this does not ring true other than the color. If it were a REAL UAP
then it would be taken quickly to a secure facility. I do not buy the “footage taken at great risk”
stuff that we always hear. I am also having trouble with the shadow of this object. If it was during
the time suggested, night vision would be useless and the shadow seems like a sun shadow. If,
at night then we should see the Moon’s shadow if that is why it’s a shadow. Conceivably, it can be
a full moon night where the moon has just risen but… The shadow elsewhere on the video
shows a starkness as IF this was a DAYLIGHT video that was made to look like night vision with
filter post-production.
The light source seems to be coming from an area off to the left, possibly an area flood lighting
based on the brightness and the crispness of the shadow. Wouldn’t the helicopter have its
flood lighting to assist with the cargo drop?
I would also assume the helicopter would have normal navigation lighting and strobes flashing.
I am not detecting any of these lights being picked up in the video. I would expect to see this
flashing effect in the night vision.
I would also expect a ground crew would be scrambling in to release the tether from the
netting unless this has a release mechanism from the helicopter crew. It does not look like
there is one at the end of the tether.
Is this object really white or just looks to be white due to the night vision effect whether it is
real night vision video or simulated night vision?
As for the object rolling on the ground, we do not know what the ground surface actually is,
earth, dirt, grass, concrete, blacktop? As it rolls, I do not notice any track left from the weight,
which is also unknown.
There seems to be a very long set of cargo nets connecting lines from the tether to the net.
I notice the tether line seems to maintain a very straight configuration as the cargo touches
the ground and then travels away to the left as the object begins to roll.
The cargo netting or possibly canvas conceals the majority of the object’s body. it could be
concealing markings.
Too many unknowns and a lot of speculation based on the narrative provided by NewsNation
and the interviews. Could this be a container for radioactive or chemical material being relocated? Or, a unique large rock??? Just saying.
Do we really know this “egg” flew? Where is the crash site?
The whistle-blowers come across as credible. But still, I have nothing to say one way or the
other as a video analyst. I feel I’m back to one person’s personal perception and speculation with an interesting YouTube video news story.
If this is a government-related classified event, it will be vastly compartmentalized with limited
information from any one source.
I for one do not feel it’s a credible video.”