Last updated on July 1st, 2024 at 05:07 pm
When things are being shot out of the sky by American military pilots, the public takes great notice and starts asking more questions. MUFON representatives are often called upon to explain the unexplainable. In Michigan, objects being shot out of the sky are causing a lot of concern outside of MUFON.
“‘I’m surprised by how much they’re putting out there,’ said Bill Konkolesky, State Director of the Michigan Chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. ‘One would think these would be discreet missions to take these things down from our skies and that you probably wouldn’t hear about them.'”
“Konkolesky does not think the object shot down over Lake Huron is a UFO.
“‘In the way that people refer to UFOs being… vehicles that could do tremendous aerial maneuvers at high speeds, this is not at all the case of what was shut down and over Lake Huron,’ Konkolesky said. ‘This is not the type of maneuvering and behavior attributed to what a lot of people think of as UFOs.'”
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